
ChatIQ –
Omnichannel Customer 
Sercice Platform

ChatIQ is an omnichannel customer service platform that enables you to communicate with and serve customers through their chosen channel. The main goal for this project was to showcase ChatIQ, as the most simple and easy to use platform, for any business owner that wants to establish seamless customer support communication.


The colors for the project were chosen according to the company’s branding guidelines, while for the background we’ve chosen a nice gradient to produce smooth color transition. We’ve used simple forms and minimalist style characters to make the video light-weighted and easy to watch.


And with some dynamic animations from our squad, there’s never a dull moment!
Stay tuned for our next video, because no one else can compare.

No, we’re not from Brazil. But we do love making things move in a contagious Brazilian Creative Style. We harness our creative kinetic spark and high-level marketing to ensure your company’s messaging and video turns heads. 
